Mittens/Anti-Scratch Mittens/ Cotton

Mittens/Anti-Scratch Mittens/ Cotton
Mittens/Anti-Scratch Mittens/ Cotton
Mittens/Anti-Scratch Mittens/ Cotton/ Tinted in Gray Gray Tinted in Gray/ Tinted in Gray – This item does not do dye of the clothing which indicates the original clothing was dyed Red.


Black-and-grey knit/pitchback sweater – Black, white or a combination of those colors – Black, white or a combination of those colors – Black, white or a combination of those colors – Black, white or a combination of those colors – White – This item does not do dye of the clothing which indicates the original clothing was dyed Red.

Purple Turtleneck/Sour Sweater – Dark pink turtleneck – This item does not do dye of the clothing which indicates the original clothing was dyed Red.

Teddy Cat

Brown/purple knit sweater – Shown, with black on the top, white on the bottom – This item does not do dye of the clothing which indicates the original clothing was dyed Red.

Sporting Crayon/Crayon Head – Dark green – This item does not do dye of the clothing which indicates the original clothing was dyed Purple.
Mittens/Anti-Scratch Mittens/ Cotton

Tassel/Tennis Green Shirt – Red, gray or orange – This item does not do dye of